Prayer List for the Week of August 13, 2023
Please pray for those seeking God’s healing: Henrique; Jay; Jayne & Gwen; Margaret; Phillip; Bill Austin; Linda Behling; Mark Belile; Carmen Bernal; Iris Bestow; Beth Blackburn; Ken Blackburn; Millie Boggs; Dcn. Mike Bond; Joe Burgio; Jim Carr; Janelle Carrier; Rob Carrier; Sabina Childs; Bishop Paula Clark; Jean Curtis; Celia Dawkins; Chris Dean; Elizabeth Dreyer; Ginny Eysenbach; Nolan Fetherling; Anita Frigo; Bob Froyen; Kristine Garandowski; Bill Hainds; Mike Hepp; Janice Hickman; Holly Hill; Barb Howard; Gerald Jackson; Judy Kiedisch; Chris Kiszenia; Cyndie Knoll; Mike Mabry; Lita Morgan; Ann Moser; Mark Moxley; Rowan Moxley; Kenny Murray; Sheryl Nugent; Audrey Ongman; Brady Owen; David Oyster; Randy Oyster; Kristy Petersen; Bob Rhoads; Pat Rhoads; Julie Rinkenberger; Lois Rinkenberger; Don Rubins; Louisa Scott; Staci Sewell; Tom Smith; Toshia Smith; Bob Stevens; John Thompson; Sandy Wagoner; Grant Weichbrodt; Jane Wolan.
Please pray for those seeking God’s guidance: Carolyn; Mark; Linda Behling; Norval Brown; the Carr Family; the Freeborn family; Arifa Brookins Hinton; Gregory Brookins Hinton; Mike Mabry; The Diocese of the Navajoland; Joe Ortman; Andy & Christine Scott; Alicia Williams: Rayvon Wilson.
Please pray for our members serving in the military and their families:
Christina Bembenic; Kevin Cunningham; John O’Brien; David Trier; Darius Webb.
Please pray for all First Responders: Sam Andrews; Austin Corydon; Sarah Lawrence.
Please pray for the faithful departed:
Please pray for the victims of gun violence in our community this week: Kyle Eastes; Jaheim Green; Jeffrey Henson; Kamarion Herbert; Jacarrion Johnson; Serabi Medina; Nancy Padilla; Shelby Redmond; Glen Weston Jr.; Nathaniel Williams and all victims of gun violence whose names we do not know.
In the Parish Cycle of Prayer:
we pray for: Mark & Tracie Moxley; Rowan Moxley & Ruby Moxley.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
we pray for: Iglesia Anglicana de Chile.
In the Diocesan Cycle of prayer: we pray for: Congregations in the Waukegan Deanery: Trinity in Highland Park; Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest; Holy Family/Sagrada Familia in Lake Villa; St. Lawrence in Libertyville; St. Paul in McHenry; For those who have finished, and for those who are about to begin the Julian Year Program.
Thank you for submitting your prayer re
Thank you for submitting your prayer request. It will be included in this week's updated Parish Prayer List.