Please join us for Bible Study on Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. During the pandemic we moved this to a Zoom format, and it has worked so well we are keeping it that way. We are currently studying Genesis. There is no need to register and all are welcome to join us. Please click here to join the Zoom gathering.
We gather in the Resource Room on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (during our Christian Formation Hour) to discuss a variety of topics to help form us into Disciples who are being the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus by gathering together in worship and fellowship, growing our faith, and going out into the world.
Our next Community Forum will be on March 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. We will be welcoming The Rev'd. Roy Pollina who will be discussing his book, Justified By Her Children: Deeds of courage confronting a tradition of racism. His book chronicles the true story of a young priest in Martinsville, VA, who in the 1960s battles racism and segregation in the American South.