The St. John’s Lydia Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King is part of a lay order founded in The Episcopal Church. An “order” means the women take vows when becoming members.
The women of this Order follow two rules for their lives – prayer and service – both individually and collectively as a chapter. An outcome of following the two rules – that service arises from prayer – is expressed well in the motto of The Order of the Daughters of the King®:
For His Sake:
I am but one, But I am one.
I cannot do everything, But I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, By the grace of God I will do.
Lord, what will You have me do?
Chapter meetings follow a relaxed structure, including devotions, review of communications from leadership in The Order, and Bible or other spiritual study (sometimes in video format). Sharing prayer requests, always respecting requests for confidentiality, is an important part of each meeting.
In Fall 1993, Sue O’Brien and Mary Agnes Long came to St. John’s from St. Boniface Church in Tinley Park, which was closing. They brought with them their membership in The Order of the Daughters of the King® and, together with several other women of this parish, started the Mary and Martha Chapter at our church.
In 2021, with the addition of new members and a renewed spirit, the chapter chose a new name. It is now the Lydia Chapter, inspired by a successful businesswoman who became a leader in the young church at Philippi (for her story in the Bible, see the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 16).
Meetings are held on Zoom (beginning November 8) at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month; they are announced on the church calendar and in the e-vangelist. All women of the parish are welcome at any Daughters meeting, to experience prayer, fellowship, and a faith-boosting 90 minutes.